Monday, July 28, 2008

Words of Wisdom (1)

If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.

After all is said and done, a heck of a lot more is said than done.

Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it, and he'll have to touch it to be sure.

All's well that ends.

The other line always moves faster.

Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.

If more than one person is responsible for a miscalculation, no one will be at fault.

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate

If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

You will always find something in the last place you look.

No matter how long or hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

If if jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

The repairman will never have seen a model quite like yours before.

A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.

Everybody should believe in something- I believe I'll have another drink!

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

You will remember that you forgot to take out the trash when the garbage truck is two doors away.

There's never time to do it right but there's always time to do it over.

A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the track.

New systems generate new problems.

Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable. Any system which depends on human reliability is unreliable.

Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. And scratch where it itches.

If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.

Any simple theory will be worded in the most complicated way.

All great discoveries are made by mistake.

Work smarter and not harder and be careful of your spelling.

If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

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